Several years ago we had a rather strange visitor spend the summer with us. We thought there was only one, but there may have been two. There is no difference in the markings of Male vs. was an interesting summer with them here dashing around catching and eating every lizard and toad they could find. In the first picture it is on our roof, it seemed like it enjoyed being up there in the hottest part of the day...We reported our siting to the Missouri Dept. of Conservation Wildlife Ecologist. See note below.
Hello Mr. and Mrs. Williams,
I was copied on Ken Drenon's response to your report of seeing a road runner outside of your house. How exciting! I've never seen one in the wild and hope to someday. Ken mentioned that these birds were not that
uncommon in the state, but only a few have been seen as far north as your report. Most sightings are made further southwest in the state.
I am writing to ask your permission to put your report into a database we keep of rare animal sightings. This database is used to help us better understand the distribution of these rare animals in Missouri. The information is primarily for internal MDC use only. If we do share it with non-MDC researchers, we never give out exact locations; we would only mention that the roadrunner was seen in Miller County near Ulman. Would you be OK with us including your report in the database? If you do not want to include it in the database, we will not do so.
Thank you in advance for your report.
Janet E. Sternburg
Wildlife Ecologist
Missouri Dept. of Conservation
P.O. Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102