Saturday, August 29, 2015

Bucks -- Havin' a "block" party

I am sure that we will never see this many bucks in one spot again!!  Looks like they are having a good time.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Buck is back...

Here are a few shots of one of the "older" bucks we see from time to time.  If you look closely you can see that there is a horse fly on the tip of one of his antlers.

Still has some filling out to do.....

Monday, August 10, 2015

Finn and the New Pasture

We finally have the fencing fixed in Pasture #2... so Finn has to deal with his goats moving... Finn was not too sure this whole thing was a good idea... We have all adjusted.  Of course we had a late afternoon thunderstorm to seal the deal... All will be okay...but this morning we are not happy...lots of barking and chasing.. and just making noise..Finn is only 6 months and he is doing great, if I walk him away from his goats there is a lot of stopping and looking back.  The return walk to his goats goes a lot  faster...We will be happy when his head and body size match!!