This is the little goat that I am helping a little with a bottle..She is the youngest "Little Strawberry".
Notice how she has her butt up on my shoulders like a bird.
Healthy babies grow SO fast.
Back with Mom
Bottle Baby Milk Replacer
This recipe was created by a wonderful lady in Blanco, Tx. Ms. Coni Ross R.N. She has agreed to let me post this information with her contact information for anyone to use. I started using this formula last year on five babies..they were the most healthy bottle babies I have ever had. NO BLOAT with this formula.
3 cups water
1 cup non fat dry milk
¼ cup whipping cream
1 large egg
1 scoop calf pac per batch in the morning
If the kid scours, ad 1-2 tbs of baby rice cereal to the formula.
To double the recipe use a jumbo egg, and 1/3 cup whipping cream and 6 cups water, 2 cups non fat dry milk.
Do not microwave. Warm in hot water. To me it is easier to make it when I need it.
I don't use yogurt in my recipe because live culture yogurt causes the milk to clabber. I use Calf Pac which has 5 live organisms and will not clabber the milk.
Information only: 1 large egg = 1 oz, 1 extra large egg is 1.5 oz, and a jumbo egg is 2 oz. so if you want to double the recipe, you add 1 jumbo egg ( they are cheaper) and 1/3 cup of whipping cream.